Saturday, October 1, 2011

Las Vegas–Day 2

An early start to the day as I woke up early and couldn’t get back to sleep. No worries, plenty of emails to read and things to get ready.

After sending an email to a mate also attending SMB Nation we decided to meet up for breakfast.

After that I spent some time with him going over some content he was preparing to present for the conference. We then took a ride out to the Fry’s (the local computer mega-mart) to buy a few extra things he needed.

After we returned I headed into two sessions. After that I caught up with a few people and headed out for dinner again. Japanese grill. Different but enjoyable.

As we drove back my friend pulling the car in Caesar's casino while he ducked off to get a chocolate desert for us. I was left still in a no parking zone, in the passengers seat with the engine running. Was feeling a little exposed but luckily no one came alone to tell me move along.

We returned to the Rio, consuming our chocolate desert (which again was excellent).

Here’s a few shots from the car park overlooking the strip.



Here’s a video also which perhaps gives you a better idea of the extent of the strip.


I headed back to my room to grab some sleep as the conference has an early start tomorrow and I want to get everything in.

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